Imagine the Possibilities

Preparing for Adulthood can be an exciting time for many young people. There may be new opportunities, choices and increased independence, but it can sometimes be difficult to access all the information that young people and their families might need to make informed decisions.

To help you with this, an innovative range of new post-16 options resources have been created that will help families, teachers and students understand and navigate the processes involved in moving from school into the many different post-16 options that are available - especially for those with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities.

This set of resources have been created by drawing on experience of working with young people and families over many years and we hope that you find them useful and interesting.

The series of guides and resources have been developed by a range of partners:

We will keep these resources updated so that you always have the most relevant information available.

We would welcome any feedback you may have as well as suggestions for any further information that you would like to see as part of these resources moving forward.

You can complete a feedback survey here >

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